Tuesday, December 26, 2023

The Blog By Numbers: Special Post-Christmas/Hangover Edition

[In which we catch up with a bunch of brief and/or dumb stuff that I've been meaning to post about for a while, but hadn't gotten around to for whatever reasons.]

1. Question: Is "Canadian Supergroup" a Contradiction in Terms?

Okay, that's a cheap shot. Meanwhile, please enjoy this hilarious KTel-esque infomercial for my second favorite album of 2023.

I'm sure you recognize at least a couple of those guys, and I should add that Moe Berg (who's my personal fave member of the band) once did a very nice thing for me, and one of these days I'll tell that story. In the meantime, be sure to watch the whole thing -- it's 17 minutes long, and fabulous throughout.

2. Is It Warm in Here Or Is it Just Me?

Seriously -- the above is obviously very funny, but who knew how good looking Sue Ann Nivens, AKA the Happy Homemaker, actually was?

3. Okay, I'm Not Advocating Kiddie Porn, But This is Ridiculous

Oh fer cryin' out loud.

Nirvana ‘Nevermind’ Cover Art Lawsuit Revived by Federal Judges

A panel of federal appellate judges has reversed the dismissal of a child porn lawsuit filed against the former rock band Nirvana by the man who was photographed as a four-month-old baby for the cover of the famous 1991 album “Nevermind.”

The lawsuit, filed on behalf of 31-year-old Spencer Elden, argued that the album cover was similar to a “sex worker grabbing for a dollar bill” and that its legacy had dealt trauma to Elden as an adult. The lawsuit was dismissed in September 2022 by a Los Angeles federal district judge, who ruled that the suit against several record labels, the band’s surviving members and the estate of late guitarist Kurt Cobain was barred by a 10-year statute of limitations.

But a new ruling from a three-judge appellate court filed Thursday and obtained by TheWrap, ruled that since each new publication of the “Nevermind” cover may constitute personal trauma, the lawsuit was not bound to the statute of limitations.

“Elden’s complaint does allege new injuries, stemming from the Defendants’ redistribution of the album cover during the ten years prior to the action, within the limitations period,” read the ruling from George W. Bush appointee Judge Sandra S. Ikuta.

Since its release more than 30 years ago, “Nevermind” has become one of the bestselling and most influential rock albums ever released with more than 30 million copies sold. Elden’s family was friends with the photographer who shot the album cover and received $200 for allowing him to use the newborn Spencer Elden for the picture.

While Elden recreated the album cover in 2016 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of “Nevermind,” he filed a lawsuit against the band in 2021, arguing that by not covering his genitals on the cover with a sticker — something that Kurt Cobain staunchly refused — Nirvana had failed to protect him from sexual exploitation. The lawsuit was dismissed but with the opportunity to refile left open. Elden did so with the current lawsuit in January 2022.

Uh oh -- wait till they get a gander at the cover to the new EP by my old bandmate from The Floor Models.

Anybody know a good lawyer who works cheap?

4. Oy Gevalt, Not Another Stones-Related Post!

That was the B-side of "It's Only Rock 'n Roll" in 1974, and its one of my all time fave Stones obscurities; for years, I was trying to figure out a way to cover it live with whatever band I was in at the time. Oh those harmonies, oh those guitars...

5. And Speaking of Cheap Shots...

Regular relatively serious posting resumes on the morrow.


  1. That cartoon at the end of this post reminds of me a zinger in an old PEANUTS comic strip -

    Lucy: I'm thinking of getting my ears pierced.
    Linus: You pierced mine a long time ago.

    Ba-dum-bum :-)

  2. Speaking as a native of the Great White North, and all due respect, Steve, but I think "good lawyer who works cheap" is more of a contradiction in terms than "Canadian super-group" :-)

  3. i like that the canadian record is available in a wide variety of formats, including, they point out, a cd which you can play in your car - if you have an old car

  4. I liked that one, too.😎

  5. No one plays flute like Steven Page does on Undun!
