Monday, January 22, 2024

Greetings From Florida a/k/a America's Dystopian Hellscape!!!

So as you may know, a certain Shady Dame and I are vacationing in the Magic Kingdom (Orlando, Florida) until Friday.

So far we haven't run into either of these fictional characters, let alone together...

...but we'll keep you posted.

Of course, as you may have guessed, this week's postings will be. necessarily, both fitful and/or weird until our return to civilization -- this is an open-carry state, after all. But if our luck holds out, there should be some interesting stuff tomorrow.



  1. You two get outdoors and get some sunshine and fresh air. Don't spend hours in your room looking up naughty words in the dictionary :-)

  2. the whole state is likely in mourning after Ron's exit from the race!

  3. Re Ron's exit from the race: once again, time wounds all heels :-)

  4. Hey Steve, if you(s) need a break from fictional character hunting, long time reader/fan from the 1970’s Stereo Review days here in Treasure Island/ Madeira Beach.
    I have connections from Clearwater to Fort DeSoto, dolphin watches, island trips and miles of beach to comb.
