Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Seen in DeSantis Land Today

Okay, actually at Disney World, where BG and I are currently vacationing, as you know. Still, pretty cool, Ill grant you. But I must confess to a certain relief that Ron's National Guard doesn't have access to one.

Coming tomorrow -- a fabulous new song by a veteran band hailing from Canuckistan.


  1. certainly an iconic image from a foundational pop-culture film

    however, as battle sequences from that film showed, when this fighting machine was in operation it exemplified a principle from firesign theatre's i think we're all bozos on this bus - which is set in a theme park, as you may recall

    If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.

  2. Okay, I’d forgotten Fudds Law.😎

  3. As they say at Disney: "It's a Small War After All!"

    Commander Al

  4. I think Fudd's Law is also Raccoon's Law :-)
