Monday, January 01, 2024

The Blog by Numbers (An Occasional Series): Special "Well, the Year is Off to a Great Start! Not!!!" Edition

[In which we catch up with a bunch of brief and/or dumb stuff that I've been meaning to post about for a while, but hadn't gotten around to for whatever reasons.]

1. Your Monday Moment of Cahiers du Cinema

Words fail me.

My younger brother assures me that I watched that film on PBS some time in the late 60s, but I have no memory of it at all. In any case, it looks like an absolutely amazing British youth culture slice of life -- for the Shadows-styled rock band with a barely post-adolescent David Hemmings alone -- and I'm gonna order the DVD over HERE toot sweet. I should add that my aforementioned younger brother is gonna review it for us next week, so stay tuned.

2. Is It Warm in Here or is Just Me?

Q: Who is this? (Hint: It's 1973, and she's 18.

A: Annie Lennox.

Wotta cutie. I mean, wow.

3. Okay, Now I Feel REALLY Old

Patti Smith turned 77 over the weekend.

4. I Dig Rock en EspaƱol Music

Heard this for the first time the other day at my local Forest Hills Mexican watering hole (Mas Tortilla on Queens Boulevard -- if you're in the neghborhood, stop by and tell 'em PowerPop sent you!)

Apparently they were the biggest rock band in Argentina ever. A very cool song -- and I dig their look the most; it's kinda like Paul Westerberg meets Slash meets Zal Yanovsky and then they all go to that neighborhood joint I mentioned for a shot of tequila.

5. Fun Couples

I'll be honest -- I didn't get the gag for about the first two minutes.

Coming tomorrow -- my year-end Best Albums list.


  1. Re #5: Ah, that'd be Lenny (Bernstein)and Squiggy :-)

    Re #3: Yes. Sweet dreams are made of this indeed :-)

  2. Sorry, the Annie photo is #2.

    Re #3 I think that picture was taken at a Stereo Review Record Of The Year party around 1977 or 1978. Question: Is the tall chap to Patti's right William Livingstone?

  3. Yes, the late Bill Livingstone. A friend and mentor and a helluva funny guy.

    Also note my horrific haircut and the Back to Mono button I'm holding.

  4. Jai Guru Dave1/01/2024 12:04 PM

    That Argentinian song is THE PERFECT ROCK SONG!! Everything about it is spot on!
    If there were any market these days for rock music on the charts (which I suspect there isn’t); someone should do for this what McCartney did with his demo for Badfinger for “Come and Get It”:
    Find a band to record this in English and tell them: “PLAY IT EXACTLY LIKE WHAT THEY ARE DOING HERE!”

  5. How about Soda Stereo live? :
