Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Closed for Monkey Business

Between a minor injury (don't ask, although it's actually kind of amusing in the abstract), profound depression over the SCOTUS just giving Trump the legal cover to kill those people on 5th Avenue he used to fantasize about, and trying to get my next post -- which involves new music by a great band that happens to be a Friend of PowerPop© -- just right, I needed a day off.

Good stuff resumes on the morrow. Honest Native American.


  1. Yeah, I can understand the depression about the ruling. It's funny - I live in Toronto, Canada and yesterday (July 1) was a national holiday, Canada Day, our equivalent basically of the American 4th Of July. And, by sheer good fortune, we had absolutely perfect summer weather yesterday in Toronto - clear, sunny, warm but not too hot, just what you'd want on a holiday, the kind that lifts your spirits But... I still spent over 2 hours in front of a TV yesterday watching CNN's coverage of the SCOTUS decision, hearing the various opinions of the pundits and politicians, and watching Joe Biden's brief but forceful address. And, frankly, being very concerned about what this ruling will mean for decency and American Democracy and accountability and the whole concept of checks-and-balances. And the sheer MESS it now will probably cause re all these cases pending, or that have already happened, against Donald Trump. Aarrggh...

  2. Thanks, ChrisE. I needed that…

  3. It's no wonder a number of boys retreated to Canada during Viet Nam. I was lucky as our local SDS informed me of a loophole
    I too have been following the criminals on the Court who accept "gifts" and have made reckless decisions affecting our Country.
    I hope I am not naive but the Country to our North never seems to reflect the turmoil we have in the lower 48.
    Thank you Chris for providing your thoughts from the outside. Trust you had a great Canada Day ,🇨🇦 as we look forward to our 4th 🎇

  4. An addendum to above
    It was the Resistance not SDS that counciled me

  5. getawaygoober7/03/2024 2:38 AM

    Profound depression? Come on, Stevie Ray Fawn.
    Now's not the time to be weak in the knees and babbling.
    Oh wait. That kind of behavior will put you in the White House.
