Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Tales From the Hood (Special "Jersey Rules!" Edition)

I received the following message via the e-mail a few days ago. I'm sure you'll never guess what my reaction was.

Hi Steve:

Allow me to introduce you to my Mediocre Friends. We're a band of four NJ high school buddies who started making music together as teenagers...Then stopped...And 30 years later started again for this project. We each contributed a song for this EP and while I wish I could say it was all love and harmony, the reality was...We fought like we were back in high school again, over really stupid shit and right up to the very end! I guess all bands fight, the young and old alike, the great bands or the mediocre ones...That said, with the music finally released, we've all settled down and we've replaced all (most) of the bickering and negativity, with pride for our accomplishment...Us four old dudes actually got up off the couch and did something really cool! If by chance you've heard of my previous band Readymade Breakup [Yes, I have -- S.S.] I'd say TMF is in line with those powerpop types of sensibilities (Fountains of Wayne, Superdrag). Any help you could give in spreading the word would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time and consideration!

Most Sincerely,

Gay Elvis

Seriously, considering that I've been playing rock-and-roll with a bunch of high school friends from New Jersey off and on since I was a teenager too, I was predisposed to like these guys. Plus, when I hear the words Fountains of Wayne...well, you know.

Also -- Gay Elvis. I mean, I was a goner.

Anyway, as it turned out I actually genuinely dug these guys' music, which is great melodic/rockin' stuff that definitely lives up to their influences. And I think you'll dig them too.

Here's my favorite track...

...and you can read their complete and very amusing bio, listen to the rest of the EP, and download all of it over HERE.

Pretty inspirational, no?

Sniffle. Have I mentioned that some days I really love my phony-baloney job?


  1. This is great! All four tracks!
    Thanks for the heads up.

    1. Love the subtle intro to I Adore
      I started reaching for my phone thinking someone was on the other end. ;-)

  2. Steve, as you say. Crickets - good "Garage" - catchy songs
    Dearth of interest, can't figure

  3. Slow day -- what can you do? 😎
