Thursday, September 05, 2024

Nancy's Record Collection (And Mine): An Occasional Series

To paraphrase the great Charles Pierce -- Is it a good day to post a classic track by The Smithereens?

It's ALWAYS a good day to post a classic track by The Smithereens!!!

The track in question, of course, is a fab cover of the 1965 proto-power pop masterpiece by The Beach Boys -- think Carl Wilson channeling The Beatles.

The 'Reens characteristically brilliant remake is from their first indie EP, which came out in 1980, i.e. a lifetime before they got signed by an actual national record label in 1986.

I was lucky enough to see the 'Reens do the tune live (at my then neighborhood watering hole, Kenny's Castaways in fabled Greenwich Village) on countless occasions before their commercial breakthrough. And if memory serves, I actually reviewed the EP in the Magazine Formerly Known as Stereo Review.

Ah, those were the days.

Incidentally, the above is also a clue to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania, but it's so deviously obscure there's not a snowball's chance in hell you'd be able to guess it. Consequently, consider yourselves all awarded a coveted PowerPop No-Prize© as my consolation gift. 😎


  1. Nice blast from the past and reminder about what a good band they were.

  2. Tasty. Wonderful band.

    - Paul in DK

  3. I have my copy of the ep autographed by the guys. Still miss Pat D.
    Songs about Girls?
