If Dick Cheney doesn't have to get dressed up, why do I have to?!? No fair!

An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
irish babies rule.
Pink/Green Power!
she is way cute, and I am way jealous. congrats .
Looks like she's saying,
"Aah! The flashy-thing again!"
A true cutie, though - thanks for sharing!
Charlotte Smith
Now that's one ticked off little sweetie.. I tell ya, singing Nancy Sinatra worked a bit for Dad and me... Just remember not to giggle when the Boots start walkin!
Is she... flashing gang signs?
It also looks to me like she's just a little bit of Photoshop magic away from transforming into Crouching Rosie, Hidden Baby.
"Justin Timberlake, NOOOOOOOOO!"
whoops! 10:39 p.m. was me.
"The only thing we serve here is tongue! You boys like tongue?"
"You just wait until I'm big, Mom, and I have PMS. You'll be sorry for this day then, believe me!"
"I hate pop! Put on some prog rock!!"
She looks even more Irish when she's mad.
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