Sean Patrick in his handmade quilt lady quilt.

He also came home with a mild case of jaundice, necesitating many frustrating hours in the bilibelt.

The little glowworm.

An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
A fine young liberal!
Though with the way kids rebel when they reach a certain age, who knows....
He already looks Presidential!
Oh, my Goddesss, he is soooo gorgeous! Blessings on him and his family!
Beautiful boy . . . beautiful quilt. Welcome to the planet, S.P. -- cs
Thank goodness...another bed wetting liberal!. Keep them comin'
Wow, Mary, you do good work. I hope the jaundice is clearing up.
ql in
-and then there's diphtheria-tetanus, what they call dip-tet. You gotta get him dip-tet boosters yearly or else he'll get lockjaw and night vision. Then there's the smallpox vaccine, chicken pox and measles, and if your kid's like ours you gotta take all those shots first to get him to take 'em. Who's your pediatrician, anyway?
He is beautiful. Makes me want to snuggle that fuzzy little head under my chin!
And QL -- you do some good work yourself!
Welcome to this life, little guy! He is so beautiful! Who does the spud take after - you or Thers?
Excellent work!!!!
NYMary & Thers, How Wonderful!
wow, he's so tiny. looks like a baby human.
congrats, he really is a good look'n baby.
a handsome broth of a lad, thers...
utmst congratulations and felicitations to you and NYM on the arrival of the newest defender of liberal mt...
Hey Mary---congratulations on the new baby!
Hope to catch up with you soon!
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