And.... the teen tries life as a boy. She likes getting hit on by confused straight girls a la Just One of the Guys.



An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
hey, the pictures of this goth boy are making me feel all tingly. I am starting to question my sexuality.. wait, that's just your daughter that you forced to dress up as a boy so you can once again mention Just One of The Guys.
PS - pictures are sideways. s/he is gonna marry me someday, right?
My 17 year old is so thinking along the same lines -- her hair, however, is MUCH shorter (think Natalie Portman in V for Vendetta, only dyed red). I wonder if I should show this to her.
Eyes are too pretty.
That A-Ha tribute is too much! lol
BTW, the band is still together and touring. Q magazine recently had a feature about them appearing somewhere in Africa (Lesotho, I think).
that is a GREAT look for her... Very cool :)
HHAHAHAHAHAH Its leeAnne attacking your Blog.
Aka, the Teens cray friend.
Molly is a sexy man-beast.
Anyone have suggestions on the costume? Some people are still able to pick her out as a chick..
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