Monday, December 18, 2006

Monday Babyblogging: Random Recreation

Rosie plays in what is supposed to be a drop of blood. Those are, err, blood cells.

SP demonstrates his mad pulling-up skillz.

Triceratops skull!
(It's resin, but so cool.)

They have a wicked cool model train at this place, partly fixed, partly moveable.

I'm going to dress the whole tribe and take a fab Christmas picture, so check back!


  1. Oh, she is getting so, so cute!! I love the top photo. SP is cute as well, in a bald kind of way. :-)

  2. Gorgeous babies! What a beautiful angelic expression on SP's face. Lovely!

  3. Oh the Cuteness!!!!!!!! This is going to be the cutest Christmas EVER!!

    SP's got some neat-o suspenders there :)

    Hugs for everyone!

  4. Hey kiddo:

    Way cute.

    Oh, and BTW -- just saw the post downstairs about the Bill Lloyd album band.

    Man, what I wouldn't give....

  5. steve,
    Lloyd wrote me to encourage me to come to the 12/29 show. No go this time, but if they do Skylarking or Rubber Soul, I'm kidnapping you for a road trip.
