Monday, December 18, 2006

Vote! Vote! Vote!

Speaking of Southeast Asia, I got a note from Aidil Rusli of the superfab Malaysian powerpop band Couple.

I've got some really great news and I really need your help now!! Couple has been chosen to be in the final round of Rolling Stone (USA) magazine's Best Bands on Myspace contest.

Right now the Rolling Stone magazine staff has chosen us to be one of the top 5 bands of the day.

What we need you to do is to ask all your friends to go to the link below and vote for Couple by leaving a comment saying how much they like the song "Now That I Can See" and Couple:

Hope you can spread this email/news around and get as many people as possible to vote for us!! It's Rolling Stone magazine!!

Thanks so much for helping!!


You vote by going to the bottom of the comment thread and adding your vote. Couple seems to be doing really well.

And, because I'm not a congressional whip, I'll tell you what I'm asking you to vote for:

I've posted it before, but it's always worth another watch/listen. Now head on over and show Aidil some love.

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