My fave Molly Ivins moment was, once when I saw her interviewed, someone asked her what she thought of Ann Richards. Ivins replied with this:
Molly Ivins told this story about Ann Richards. They were at a dinner in one of the better neighborhoods in Austin with many leading political types, including a notoriously sexist state senator. He was regaling the crowd loudly with the tale of a fabulous set of jugs he'd seen that day, how they jiggled and bounced as their owner walked down the street, so fetching in fact that he drove around the block just to get another look. As he finished this story, Richards asked loudly, "So, girls, seen any good dicks lately?"

Godspeed to a smart, funny woman.
Heh. Hadn't heard that one; just read it aloud to Fella, we needed the laugh.
I've been fixated on editorial pages since Drew Pearson/Jack Anderson days, and she was a rare gem and one of my heroes.
And promptly took the wind out of all the blowhards.
Great story!
She rocked and touched more people than she might have imagined.
I wish I could have told her so.
Great story. Both of those women were heroes of mine and both were bigger than life.
The Texas Observer tribute page:
'Molly’s enduring message is, “Raise more hell.”'
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