Friday, June 27, 2008


Wow. I'm old.

Beware, DFH's! You could end up with an entourage like this in *your* house!

(Our teen is in the blue dress.)


Anonymous said...

gotta say, this pic brought a huge smile to my face - they look like they're having a fabulous time!

thanks for posting...

MBowen said...

What kind of prom is that? No one's wearing a powder-blue tux with a big floppy velvet bow tie!

steve simels said...

For the last three weeks I've been trying, unsuccessfully, to find a hat like the kid second from left is wearing.

I think the Murray the K look will be a good one for me in my declining years.

The Kenosha Kid said...

What is that, like 2.3 piercings per person?

Ali said...

2.3 piercings per appendage, I think.

Very Pretty in Pink. Except blue, of course. ;)

refinnej said...

That's a great picture.. looks like they're having a great time :)

geor3ge said...

How much am I loving this pic?