From 1983 -- Beatle Barkers and "I Want to Hold Your Hand."

I actually had this on vinyl; for years, in fact, it was my LP of choice to clear a room whenever the party had gone on too long and I wanted to go to sleep. In any case, Beatle Barkers is pretty much the stupidest novelty album of the 80s, and I can't tell you how glad I was to find a free download of it on the web the other day.
As always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania. And if you're really lucky, I'll send you the mp3 of the Beatle Barkers version of "Love Me Do," which adds goats and chickens to the mix.
That is by far the fucking stupidest thing I have ever heard. :-)
But I think you've already done a Listomania about songs that make you want to run screaming out of the room, so that can't be it ...
Songs that show steve simels considers jumping the shark from time to time?
How come these pooches can stay in tune longer than I can? What a rip.
Top "Bubba bubba boo Hey Jude" Beatles covers that are just wrong?
Songs with non-verbal vocals?
And here it was me who thought that to clear a room during the 1980s you had to play The Birthday Party or Frankie Goes To Hollywood.
Non-verbal vocals...that pretty much covers everything David Bowie ever did.
Just kidding, Sal!!!!!!!!!!!!
Covers gone wrong?
(Hah! - verification word is plate! Hope yours is filled for thanksgiving!)
I won't ever give you the satisfaction of me listening to this dreck! Bite me buddy.
By the way, worst cover versions of all time.
I still have "Beatles Barkers" on cassette SOMEWHERE. (There was also an Xmas record, IIRC...) Used to drive my poor cat insane... :)
=bill buckner
My first LP record was the Chipmunks sing the Beatles hits. I kid you not.
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