Some people prefer the actual, stripped down Stones version from Aftermath, but this big ersatz Spector-pop rendition(first released on the 70s outtake collection Metamorphosis) has always been the one for me. Even if the instrumental track is the same one that can be heard on Chris Farlowe's English Top 10 hit.
In any case, as always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
And I should add that, as you will see tomorrow, this one is incredibly devious on a couple of levels.
I've been awful at guessing your clues of late, so I will refrain, but I just have to say I've always dug this version since it was used to such fine effect in the opening credits of Coming Home. (Did Bruce Dern ever play a character who was even remotely "hinged"?)
Songs by groups with members that look like insects?
Did Bruce Dern ever play a character who was even remotely "hinged"?
Maybe "Smile" is the one where he's most "normal" - at least in relation to the rest of the characters.
Best (or worst) bombastic rock songs?
Albums by big name groups who rehash and re-release material over and over, with only a few surprises but no gems? Or, albums with dead members on the covers?
I like the Aftermath version with those nice marimbas.
Songs or versions that we prefer but few others do?
TMink said...
Songs or versions that we prefer but few others do?
Ooh, even if that's not what steve has in mind this week, he should consider it for future use. That could be a LOT of fun. (And some of us could snottily parade our favorite obscure bootleg gems that way!)
Songs featuring only one band member released under the band's name.
PS: Simels you're out of your mind and out of time to prefer this version over the original track.
Best use of a song in an opening credit of a movie.
No, no, no, no and no.
Maybe another no -- I've lost count.
Anyway, I love Trey's idea and will steal it in the future.
But no.
This one's really unfair, by the way...
Good songs artists re-did again only to ruin them with strings and orchestral arrangements? Or, songs/bands with insect names?
Songs with "in" or "out" in the title?
Okay, too obvious ... so sue me.
Songs about change or changing, though it's really the album title that is the clue and not the song and that is why it is unfair.
Songs about time travel?
Songs with 'baby" in the chorus? Something having to do with 'baby'?
Hitler never said baby.
Utterly Pointless Use of Tubular Bells?
Bad backing singers (or good ones abused)?
Album titles that reference Ovid? (I guess that would be MetamorphosEs)
Rock songs that employ sweetener?
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