Let's say that again...Serpent Power. "Endless Tunnel."
Jeebus, that's about as subtle as Whitesnake covering "Sugar Walls."
Seriously, this song is so hilariously portentous in a kind of sub-Doors way I've always had a sneaking affection for it; I seem to recall that the late great Allison Steele, a/k/a The Night Bird, used to play it all the time on WNEW-FM back in the day, thus occasioning much stoned 2:00 AM giggling at Casa Simels.
It is also worth noting that the blonde guitar player on the bottom left of the cover photo is clearly David Spade. What he was doing in San Francisco during the Summer of Love, I have no idea.
This song has haunted my memories for years, thanks for finding it. The rest of the album sucked by the way.
Also note over David Spades' left shoulder the young Jesse Colin Young, Sylvester Stillone and Any Winehouse in the front. And in the back isn't that Mo Tucker and Roy Orbison in a blonde wig.
The rest of the album is pretty bad, actually. Kind of like another of the Nightbird's faves -- Circus Maximus (with Jerry Jeff Walker). Crappy psych/fplk rock with one great extended track, "The Wind."
Christ! That really does look like a cleaned-up Amy Whitehouse and Syl Stallone.
Endless is right.
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