Friday, July 27, 2018

Great Lost Singles of the '70s -- An Occasional Series

From 1976, please enjoy Piper -- featuring a then largely unheralded Billy Squier -- and their insanely insinuating ode to watching the clock, romantically speaking, "Can't Wait."

I had completely forgotten about that song until the other day when I was cleaning out my iTunes library. It's pretty terrific, although if memory serves the rest of the album it derives from is undistinguished. I should add, strictly as a historical note, that Piper were not the only commercially unsuccessful band featuring the pre-stardom Squier; he was also a member of THE SIDEWINDERS who made an interesting sort of glam-rock album produced by Lenny Kaye a few years earlier.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


  1. Good band, had some good songs.

  2. That isn't Big Star? I'm not sure how well that has aged. A long gone era when rock bands aspired to being "The Next Big Thing" which turned out to be Hip Hop. 30 year old guys singing "love" songs about teenage girls sounds creepier than ever now.

  3. ah, the era of Fotomaker, Artful Dodger and (cough) the Hounds. only Cheap Trick got out alive.

  4. Blue Ash Fan7/27/2018 11:46 AM

    The second Piper album was a bit of a bust, but I've loved the first one since the first time I heard it over 40 years ago.

    Artful Dodger deserved so much better than they got. Great band. Three of their four albums are must-haves, IMHO. (Babes on Broadway was pretty spotty, unfortunately.)

    The Piper CDs go for a small fortune on eBay, apropos of nothing.

  5. Good cover of "The Last Time" on the first album.

  6. Agree with you on Artful Dodger, Blue Ash Fan. And check out the band, Eyelids, and especially their 2017 album, OR, for more of the same Dodger-y sound, with a bit of Byrds and R.E.M., too.
