Friday, August 14, 2020

Your Friday Moment of Words Fail Me in Perpetuity

Mark Knopfler and the isolated rhythm and lead guitar tracks for "Sultans of Swing."

Jeebus H. Christ on a piece of burnt challah toast -- this is like a master class on how to be a great electric guitarist. If I was a lot younger and had some time on my hands, I would be sitting under the headphones with my new Squier Stratocaster and figuring out how to play every fucking note of this.

PS: Mea culpa Mike Bankhead -- real life craziness has prevented me from posting my encomium to your new song; I swear on my mother's grave it will be up on Monday.

Have a great weekend, everybody.

[h/t Allan Weissman]


  1. That is some crisp, clean, perfect rhythm guitar.

  2. solo karaoke party at my place tonight thanks!

  3. solo karaoke party at my place tonight thanks!

  4. Best YouTube comment:

    "This piece inspired me to give up playing the guitar..."
