Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Gabba Gabba Hey There!

Okay, I couldn't resist.

That is, of course, your humble scribe, in this case waiting out a thunderstorm yesterday at my local (Forest Hills) watering hole, the incomparable Keuka Kafe.

But, and more to the point, attentive readers will recognize the t-shirt I'm wearing as a shout-out to the Hormones, the fabulous all-girl Ramones tribute band I alerted you to a few weeks ago.

In any case, that shirt is now my favorite fashion accessory of all time; you can (and should) order one like it, along with all sorts of other cool merch, over at the band's website here.

Meanwhile, the next time you're on Queens Boulevard, make sure to stop in at Keuka, for a superb glass of wine and a fab meal; ask for the proprietor (Hi, Ollie!) and tell him PowerPop sent you!

Regular music posting -- in this case a clue to the theme of Friday's Weekend Essay Question -- resumes on the morrow.

1 comment:

  1. Rock'n'roll, a cool t-shirt, wine - it's a good life :-)
