Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Hey -- It's Turning Into Rockin’ All Over the World Week!

From 1986, please enjoy Spanish superstar band Hombres G and their kick ass hit single "El Ataque De Las Chicas Cocodrilo"...

...which translates -- as you, doubtless, have already concluded -- as "Attack of the Crocodile Girls."

And here they are with a wonderful live version (from 2018) with assistance from killer Argentinian guitar band Enanitos Verdes -- Little Green Men to you.

Faithful readers will no doubt recall that I'm a fan of the aforementioned Enanitos, who are responsible for "Tu Carcel," one of the most gorgeous rock songs written in this century, and who I have bent your ear about here previously.

By the way, those Hombres guys seem to have a real flair for titles generally. As witness this one for their 1986 album...

...which, depending on who you ask, translates either as "You screwed up..." or "You fucked up...Burt Lancaster."

Apparently it's a tribute.

Coming tomorrow -- the Beatles of Uruguay!!!


  1. The live version is much more rockin'. The studio version has the wimpy mid-80's pop-rock production sound.

    Another great Argentine band is Los Fabulosos Cadillacs. Try this for example Matador

    - Paul in DK

  2. Thanks for this...I never heard of them before! (However, both Discogs and Wikipedia have them listed as a Spanish band, not Mexican. Which, of course, means that I like the song so much that I've already done a little research on them....)

  3. Yes, Hombres are from Spain.

    I regret the error.

  4. Hombres G were from Spain (Madrid) and very very popular in the eighties in Spain.
