Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Girl Power: 80's Style

My dark secret: I freakin' loved this record and wore it to shreds.

So sue me.


  1. steve simels3/31/2009 10:54 AM

    I interviewed her back in the day...pretty sure it was around the time that album came out.

    I liked her a lot. I remember being very pissed that they announced her marriage to that goddamn Robby Benson a day or two later, and she hadn't said anything about it to me.

  2. Undoubtedly, steve, she was trying to keep her options open, her possibilities clear, and her eye on the main chance.

    I mean, who wouldn't?

  3. steve simels3/31/2009 11:03 AM

    They're still married, so I guess she's better off.

  4. I never got the album, but it is certainly not too late! I did enjoy Ellen Foley's record about that time though.


  5. Of course you know this, but Ellen Foley, who did the female vocals on the record of "Paradise By the Dashboard Light" handed that job off to Karla DeVito for the tour and video. Then Foley went on to do Night Court, which was weird. And was replaced for not being sexy enough, which was even weirder.

  6. steve simels3/31/2009 4:46 PM

    And was replaced for not being sexy enough, which was even weirder.

    By Markie Post, if memory serves.

    Of you know what fame...

  7. If Kate Bush had balls, figuratively speaking ...

    What was the name of the two-record anthology of new-wavy goodness that this song was on? I never should have gotten rid of it. It had a couple Echo and the Bunnymen songs on it, as well as one of my all time favorite songs, "She Talks in Stereo."

  8. By Markie Post, if memory serves.

    And thanks for putting THAT TV theme song back in my head.

  9. I only heard this song once or twice back in the day, but I really liked it - thanks for bringing it back!

    "I want a house for my mother/Just like Moses Malone" - who can argue?

  10. NYMary wrote: "And was replaced for not being sexy enough, which was even weirder."

    And replaced by Markie Post, who I never found as sexy as the over acting Ellen Foley. Which makes this a very weird sandwich with weird bread.


  11. Yeah, I loved this album too... great version of "Almost Saturday Night." And the instrumental part of this was in a beer commercial around that time too. (Just like Moses Malone...)

  12. Hell yeah - hot tune, hot babe.
