Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Fun With Downloads: Ars Longa, Vita Brevis

From his fabulous 1997 album, please enjoy Nashville alt-rocker Tommy Womack's "Whatever Happened to Cheetah Chrome?", perhaps the most profound -- and certainly the funniest -- meditation on the transient nature of fame ever in what Casey Kasem refers to as the field of rock-and-roll.

You can download it HERE. And as always, if the authorization has expired by the time you get to the clip, just e-mail me blah blah blah.

Uh, and just in case Tommy reads this and gets pissed that I'm essentially giving away his stuff, I should mention that he has a way entertaining website that behooves beholding -- And that you can, and should, order his albums -- including the aforementioned Positively Na Na -- over there posthaste.


  1. steve simels4/01/2009 1:53 PM

    Note to self: Odes to semi-obscure members of the 70s punk band The Dead Boys less beloved than expected.

  2. I came over here just so you wouldn't feel lonely. :-)

  3. steve simels4/01/2009 5:16 PM

    Thanks, babe.

    It's been very stressful....

  4. Didn't get to it in time. His book "The Cheese Chronicles" is supposedly one of the best ever written about being in a (not very successful) band.
