Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Annals of Late Capitalism (Special This Falstaff's For You Edition)

From 1968, please enjoy Cream -- yes, Cream -- with their hopefully lucratively compensated for paean to the joys of getting absolutely shitfaced on some crappy beer.

There are lots of amusing commercials for various products by 60s bands -- my personal favorite is the psychedelically weird one Jefferson Airplane did for Levis jeans -- but this is the only one I am convinced is going to consign the musicians who did it to eternal damnation, and deservedly,

On the other hand, I've always had a sort of love/hate relationship with this band; mostly, I think it's because Jack Bruce's singing sounds exactly the Cantor who officiated at my Bar Mitzvah.


  1. Not bad, in the line of what they were doing back then. The Jefferson Airplane Levi's song is creepy.

    What about all the Coca Cola commercials that the song stars did, some were not half bad. I like that novelty stuff.

    Where did you find this Falstaff song? do you have a CD of groups doing these commercials. If so, I'd like to have a listen. Got a zip??

  2. I've heard tell from friends that towards the end of Falstaff's run they actually opened bottles (cans?) to find a thin but palpable layer of silt on the bottom. I mostly dislike Cream but am working hard to deprogram my Gen-X distaste for Slowhand, without whom, uh, I guess a lot of stuff might not have happened. Yeah. Oh and I like the Baker-Gurvitz/Three Man Army stuff! And Disareli Blah was playing when my first adolescent taste of ell ess dee awoke inside of my skull, so... dumb connotations keep us from hating as we could or should, y'know? Nice post.

  3. I've always had a soft spot for Falstaff since it's attempt to expand into the NE provinces of this fine nation produced an antitrust decision that is a golden moldie for law school students to ponder unto this annum. Why Schlitz has continued to eke out an existence I do not know. Really, they should have retained Orson Welles to bellow, "Falstaff," rather than wee Jackie.

  4. Everything I dislike about Cream and more!

  5. Should've been Genesee "Cream" Ale! Har har!

    Have you heard the commercial Keith Moon did for Great Shakes? That was the powder you mixed with milk for a...great shake! I have it here somewhere...

  6. Noam -- the Yardbirds did a great spot for them as well...based on "Over Under Sideways Down" if memory serves...

  7. what buzzbaby said.

    Sounds a little like Tarzan as well.

    Next up, Iron Butterfly for Ban roll-on (I actually heard that)...
