Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hell is Other People

And just because I think it's hilarious, from that same brilliant (but alas out of print) 1991 album by Iron Prostate I mentioned yesterday, please enjoy their incomparable ode to the titular castaway of Gilligan's Island.

The lyrics in full:
I wear a white hat. I wear a red shirt.
They all think I'm stupid. One day I'll kill them.
I am Gilligan.
Jeeebus, and people thought those Barthelme boys were hotshit minimalists.


  1. Three minutes and five seconds!!! What cajones! They certainly chose the right name for their band. I'll admit it's a good start to a song, but after twenty seconds, it's pretty much over with.

    Regarding said lyrics. I think I'd go with just plain lazy over minimalist.

    I did enjoy the photo you posted, though. It's a great pic of Gilligan, dressed to kill?

  2. Haik Mendelovich10/16/2012 9:22 PM


    I thought Paul Ryan was Gilligan.
