Monday, October 14, 2013

Boys Don't Lie: Live in Williamsburg!

OK, NYC scenesters, here we come.

Tomorrow night, at The West, a coffee shop/liquor bar in Williamsburg, Mary & Moira and yes, Steve Simels will be in the house with Boys Don't Lie: A History of Shoes.

We had a run the other day in Boston, and we expect things to be pretty tight: an hour or so of reading (commencing at about 7pm), maybe a half an hour Q&A, and then selling & signing (we have plenty of books with us).

It's the Metropolitan exit off the BQE!  It's where the L & G intersect!  It's where you want to be!

See you tomorrow night!


  1. I wish I could be there. I'm sure it will be a blast. I am loving your book.

  2. My mom is actually reading it.

  3. I'm up to the part the boys are in England recording their first album for Elektra. This was the same time I'd just finished college and was looking for my first job.

    I've listened to some of their stuff on line. Seems as if Westerberg was influenced by the boys.
