Monday, October 14, 2013

Your Monday Moment of Words Fail Me

From 1997, please enjoy Jason Falkner, a gentlemen whose work I have somehow managed to miss heretofore, with a jaw-droppingly great power pop version of Joni Mitchell's "Both Sides Now."

I am informed that this is from an Australian b-side, and that it differs from the version on Falkner's 2001 Everyone Says It's On album. Whatever its provenance, however, it's just a brilliant performance -- the way each verse builds in intensity over the previous one, and those harmonies. Wow. You can hear "Both Sides Now," at last, as nature intended -- as a classic pop/rock song, finally stripped of any vestige of kitsch hippie sentimentality or artsy-fartsiness. (Yes, I'm looking at you, Judy Collins. And I like Judy Collins, but still).

In any case, our good pal Sal Nunziato from BURNING WOOD passed this along to me last week, and I am forever in his debt. Sal says it's pretty much his favorite cover version of anything ever; I won't go quite that far, but it's certainly now my favorite Joni Mitchell cover of all time (the previous champ in that regard, BTW, was a tie between The Byrds' "For Free" and Nazareth's "This Flight Tonight.")


  1. The version on "Everyone Says Its On" feels more like a demo. Less harmony, not as layered. Inferior.

  2. Why does this man not tour? (Or does he, but he never hits where I live?)

  3. Shriner, to my knowledge, he's played twice in NYC. Once in 1999, which I attended and once about 6 years ago on a Monday night in a tiny room caled Piano's at midnight. He is all over the place though. Currently in Beck's touring band, toured as a Cheap Trick sideman a few years back.

  4. You're overrating the track. It's good, nothing special.

    I listened twice, just to see if it would stick, it didn't.

    Allan R.

  5. Upon a third listen: Very energetic, but doesn't hit below the surface.

    Allan R.

  6. I believe this version of "Both Sides Now" to be far superior to Mr. Faulkner's, who I think is quite talented.

    Davy Graham, from 1968. Another victim of Jimmy Plagiarist.

  7. A couple of quick tips on Faulkner:
    1) He was a member of the Grays, whose lone album (Ro Sham Bo, from 1994) is worth checking out. One song from that album, a track called "The Same Thing", appears the 90s volume in Rhino's "Power Pop" series.
    2) He plays a lot of guitar and other instruments on Eric Matthews' sublime first solo album, It's Heavy In Here, on SubPop, from 1995.
    J. Lag

  8. 1)In my previous post, I forgot to put an "on" after "appears" - sorry, I was rushing.
    2)I'm not saying it's a definitive re-imagining, but another cover that I quite enjoy of a Joni Mitchell song is Fairport Convention's version of "Chelsea Morning", from their first album (1967), before Sandy Denny joined the group. (They also do Joni's "I Don't Know Where I Stand" on the same release.)
    J. Lag

  9. I'm a big fan of his (and of Jellyfish, and of The Grays lone release), but this had escaped me previously. Thanks!

  10. Hi Steve -
    Geez, this is awesome. been listening to it LOTS since you posted. THANKS!
    And thanks to J.Lag for the extra info -

    Any recommendation for purchase - Grays lone album, or a solo Falkner album?

  11. This is terrific. Thanls for turning us on to it. I haven been knocked out by his stuff before but will revisit in hopes that some of it is half as good as this.

  12. He really shines as a guitarist and vocalist on the Bellybutton part of the Jellyfish box set. Next for me is Necessity-The Four Track Years. Stunning stuff.
