Thursday, July 05, 2018

An Early Clue to the New Direction: Special Nanker Phelge Edition

From 2018, please enjoy the fabulous Doughboys (featuring genuine power pop legend Richard X. Heyman on drums) and their just-released and unexpectedly blues-wailing cover of The Rolling Stones 1965 "Play With Fire." (Or about 52 seconds of it -- I clipped the track so that you bastard kids don't download the song for free. See the final paragraph below for more information about that).

That's a really wonderfully clever re-imagining of the song. The original Stones track, on the American version of Out of Our Heads (the album with "Satisfaction"), is a sort of folkie/classical hybrid (the great Jack Nitzche plays harpsichord on it). But the Doughboys turn it into a sort of primal rave-up -- it's now closer to The Yardbirds than the Stones, and in this case that's a really good thing.

I should add that I've written about Heyman and the Doughboys...

...who had this quite miraculous sort of local (New Jersey) hit record back in the late 60s...

-- before on numerous occasions (here's one of them). They're great, is the bottom line.

BTW, the relevance of their new single to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania is so blindingly obvious I can't bring myself to award a coveted PowerPop No-Prize to the first reader who guesses it. Sorry.

In the meantime, you can -- and should -- buy the complete version of "Play With Fire," and the rest of the Doughboys catalog, over at their website HERE.


  1. Fire. Dough. Is tomorrow's theme Best songs about Pizza? ;>

  2. No, but that’s very imaginative.😀

  3. Songs by pseudonymous composers?

    Dave F.

    Love the Doughboys. "Rhoda" is an old favorite but the cover of "Play with Fire" is terrific.

  4. Songs by/about people of the hebrew faith!

    Captain Al

  5. I saw The Doughboys OPEN for The Yardbirds at B.B. King's in NYC in May 2010. Until they came onstage, I had no idea that these guys were the same as their 1960s namesakes, and as old as the hills. Well, almost as old as Yardbirds drummer Jim McCarty, anyway. A more appropriate opening act than almost all of the opening acts I've seen, and a better opening act than at least 90% of all that I've seen. They cooked, and looked like they were having fun.

    And howzabout songs with "fire" in their titles? Or corruptions thereof, like "Our Burning Love Didn't Start The Ring Of Fire?"
