Monday, November 09, 2020

Oh, to Be 40 Years Younger

And no, I still wouldn't have a shot.

Those are, of course, the fabulous Mona Lisa Twins live at the Cavern Club in Liverpool (yes, THAT Cavern Club) with a medley from their just released double CD...

...titled, appropriately enough, Live at the Cavern Club.

You can -- and obviously should -- order a copy of it from their website over HERE, and yes, for a couple of extra shekels the kids will sign it for you.

Have I mentioned that if I was 40 years younger, I still wouldn't have a shot with either of them?


  1. Have a shot? Sure. Perhaps one or both Mona Lisas are searching fruitlessly for a highly-literate intellectual writer-type. Think Arthur Miller. You know, someone to understand them, and you just may be the one.

  2. I'm waiting for their Maxim pictorial.

  3. Jai Guru Dave11/09/2020 8:49 PM

    I think you might have a shot with the bass player.

  4. Jai Guru Dave11/09/2020 11:18 PM

    Who is a guy. See what I did there?

  5. Steve, this may be the first time I actually followed up on a rec of yours and bought the album. Sure, they're two gorgeous twins pandering to my demographic by playing my era's music. But they pander SO WELL!

    Thanks for the heads up!

  6. They are great - I bought their whole catalog a couple years ago. Have to get the new cd.
