Friday, November 06, 2020

Your Friday Moment of Words Fail Me

From their forthcoming Byrds tribute album (In-Flyte Entertainment)...

...please enjoy The Floor Models (featuring some asshole whose name rhymes with Sleeve Nimels on bass and synth strings) and their gorgeous cover of the Gene Clark classic "Here Without You."

There'll be a little tweaking of this (which we otherwise finished in the studio last night) when we finalize the album mix -- and it's now looking like the record is gonna come out early next year -- but I think this is just terrific, and god bless our special guests Peter and Caleb Spencer, who did absolutely stellar work on it.

I should add that if you think the front cover is cool (which it is), wait until you see what we're gonna do with the back cover. Heh.

Have a great weekend, everybody!!!


  1. It's wonderful.

    Captain Al

  2. What I really like about it is that unlike any of the other covers we're doing for the record, this one sounds unplugged, i.e. like a largely live acoustic performance.

  3. The song is very much the Byrds, for which I am quite happy. I am further pleased that the lead vocal brings to mind the late Warren Zevon. Yes, there is a live sound that you could replicate on stage. Good work, FloMos.

  4. Flowered shirts? Granny glasses? The cape? I love that video where McGuinn is wearing the cape and Crosby the glasses.
