Friday, February 19, 2021

Daughter of Irksome

Long time readers are aware that back in the day I had a lot of fun dissing New York Times writers Jon Caramanica and Kalefah Senneh, on separate occasions, as The World's Most Irksome Rock Critic.

Both of those worthies have long since moved on to other non-rock gigs, so I had more or less retired the title. But, alas, I now have to revive it.

Ladies and germs, I give you the New Yorker's quite preposterously irksome Amanda Petrusich.

I first became aware of Ms. Petrusich last October, when she penned a rapturous and cloyingly written ode to world's most useless Gen Z singer/songwriter Adrianne Lenker; at the time, I described Petrusich as the kind of deeply sensitive soul who underlines passages in slim volumes of poetry and then writes "How true!" in the margins, and I stand by that characterization.

However, her most recent think (heh) piece on the great Dusty Springfield is even more ludicrous, if such a thing is possible.

If only for this line/pearl of wisdom --

"Virtuosity and ease are frequently thought of as antithetical"

-- which could only be typed by somebody who a) knows nothing about music and b) has never actually listened to any.

And that's hardly the dumbest thing in the, ahem, essay, by the way.

That said, I would be remiss if I didn't thank Petrusich for reminding me of a mostly forgotten album -- It Begins Again -- that Springfield made in 1978 with (of all people) Queen producer Roy Thomas Baker. And specificially this track.

A Motown cover that Springfield was, obviously, born to sing.

In any event, kudos to Ms. Petrusich, the new title holder!!!

And have a great weekend, everybody!!!


  1. Haik Mendelovich2/19/2021 9:46 AM

    Thanks for the tip about new title-holder Petrusich. Steve. I shall now be seeking out her "work", as I have Rex Reed's. I *love* reviews by critics whose sensibilities are opposite my own.

    That is, when Reed slams a film, I know I'll love it, and conversely, when Reed loves a movie, I'll find it unwatchable, unintentionally hilarious, or somewhere in between.

    PS Been reading old issues of Stereo Review online, and am happy to say that not only do your vintage reviews hold up, but are still* turning me on to acts I missed or forgot about while reading them!

  2. Thanks for the kind words, my friend.

  3. I hope you wrote them a sternly worded letter. I think your resume would win it some attention. BTW Rex Reed went on the Tonight Show to rave about ... wait for it ... "Billy Jack"!

  4. I described Petrusich as the kind of deeply sensitive soul who underlines passages in slim volumes of poetry and then writes "How true!" in the margins, and I stand by that characterization.


  5. "I described Petrusich as the kind of deeply sensitive soul who underlines passages in slim volumes of poetry and then writes "How true!" in the margins, and I stand by that characterization."

    I use to do that with your monthly columns in Stereo Review every month!


    Captain Al

  6. By the way the Dusty Springfield track is equal to just about any track Aretha recorded in the 1970's.

    Captain Al

  7. I have not read her reviews much but I enjoyed Amanda's book "Do Not Sell at Any Price" which is about the obsessive world of collectors of 78's.
