Thursday, September 29, 2005


Those who know me well will be terrified to hear that I am not, in fact, the biggest Shoes fan I know. That honor goes to a fellow who lives out near Buffalo, a musician and recording engineer whose obsession dwarfs my own. Anyway, courtesy of PJ I offer this vintage Shoes pic, which he sent me asking me to guess the date.

In the studio. Posted by Picasa

I'm going with California 1980, for the simple reason that there were only four albums made with four Shoes, and one was made in Zion, one in England, one in California, and one in Chicago, nocturnally. Ergo, only one of those sessions was likely to feature the kind of skin color clearly in evidence on both Gary Klebe (second from the left) and Skip Meyer (far right) here. QED: the Tongue Twister sessions. I remember on my little ShoesNews postcards (and yes, I still have the vast majority of them in a box somewhere) a note that Skip Meyer finished all his drum parts in like two weeks and spent the rest of the time on the beach. (Note the paleness of the Brothers Murphy here: we Irish generally know better that to court disaster in the sun.)

Update: Jeff Murphy just wrote to assure me that yes, as we all suspected, I AM A GODDESS.

Well, not exactly. But my guess was right, if that helps....


refinnej said...

"Those who know me well will be terrified to hear that I am not, in fact, the biggest Shoes fan I know."

Actually, this knowledge brings me comfort: you are not alone. :D

Although, I AM a bit alarmed that you know all about their 1980 beach going habits...

Fox said...

hey, i thought you might appreciate this blog:

i'm not trying to spam you -- the title of it is No Rock & Roll Fun (thought you'd dig the Sleater-Kinney reference), and she does discuss music, although from the skimming I did, it appears that she's less powerpop and more hipster pop. but she does mention franz ferdinand... figured i'd pass it along :)


emerson said...

You're NOT the biggest Shoes fan? I'm just disgusted!

ntodd said...

These shoes don't look like Rosie. Just sayin'.