Just before we left, the 7YO appeared in a play about the water cycle.
He is "Snow." (Not Tony Snow, we fervently hope and pray.)

He makes faces at his mother.

And menaces his brother with an evil candy machine ninja.
(SP is now both crawling and cruising along the furniture: I think he's going to walk early.)

With cousin Taylor, who, though a scant week older than SP, is closer to Rosie in size. I like the stair-step effect here.
(I found out that Taylor's nanny makes more than I do, which depressed the hell out of me for a couple of days.)
Looks like someone got a new cammie, or had the old one fixed...
New one, JP, courtesy of the aunt and uncle in California. It's much much better.
Your children are massively adorable! I just love your babyblogging.
I'm all overcome with the cuteness!!
That last one at the coffee table came out great! :)
I'm liking the rugby costume for the snowflake.
Gorgeous kids.
Don't feel bad. My secretary had to leave early yesterday because her home theatre was being installed. I just sat there after she left, going "Damn. And my microwave's been broken for weeks."
Apropos of nothing, I was the Sun in a fourth grade French play. I had one line: Je suis le soleil.
SP is beginning to look a little like Rosie. Interesting how the family likenesses come and go as children turn different ages. Cute, all of them.
To be fair, wt, they didn't ask me to make a costume. Some were more fab than others, that's all.
Thank you for a lovely group of pictures. It's great to see how the kids move from one phase of babyhood to the next. SP is getting very animated and it seems to me he's a very curious child -- taking in everything around him with a sense of wonder.
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