It's something of a joke in the blogosphere that Thers and I have a huge brood of children, the numbers of which vary from the hundreds to the thousands. (It's actually 4: The Teen, The 7YO, Rosie, and SP.) I cheerfully accept my ethnic responsibilities: four is a large family now, even if it isn't the seven I was raised with, nor the seventeen of my oldest friend's father's family. (One room, back in Ireland, no twins.) So at 4, we're relative pikers.
One reason families are smaller now is that it costs so much more to raise them, and like most Americans, we stumble from paycheck to paycheck. (The glamorous life of an adjunct instructor isn't really what you'd think, unfortunately.)
Thus, I announce the Liberal Mountain Christmas Fund. I know that by far my most popular feature is Babyblogging, so if you'd like to see SP in some snazzy new duds or Rosie with a real babydoll, it would help to throw a few bucks our way. (See Paypal button to the right.)
Many thanks to all our friends in the blogosphere, and peace and humptiness forever!
Merry Christmas to all of you. May it be a good one. Sent a small pressy.
Hey NYMary, since my kids are grown, and Christmas is for small ones, I kicked in a bit. Hope you all have a merry season.
Our boys are grown... lacking grandkids to shower gifts on, please accept our little bit to make Liberal Mountain's season bright. Might I suggest a Fisher-Price drum kit for S.P.?
- emma and mr. emma in SoCal - music lovers and lurking Atriots.
I don't understand where you got the kids with an impotent, sterile lout for a husband.
Duh, we have an excellent pool boy--though no pool.
A gene pool boy?
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