But in the meantime, from 1992, please enjoy the title track from Willie's splendid EP Hard Times in America. You can download it HERE; as always, if the authorization has expired by the time you get to it, just e-mail me and I'll send you the mp3.
Saw Willie opening for the Jimmy Vivino farewell party at the Bowery Ballroom last week, and he did a great version of the tune, which as he said by way of intro is still unfortunately relevant to life here in the USA.
I cannot find a job
I cannot get a loan
I could not pay the bill
so they took back my telephone
My girlfriend Josephine
she gave me back my ring
Said "Baby, 'til you get some dough
You can forget about the wild thing!"
They say it's getting better
we're closing the gap
But you know as well as I do
that's just a load of crap
The rich are getting richer
the poor are staying poor
I do believe the grim reaper
is knocking at the door
Singing...hard times in America..
Nuff said.
It's amazing that he doesn't have a huge career.
Agreed. Why Willie isn't a household word and yet John Mayer walks the streets a free man is beyond me...
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