From the groundbreaking Rhino 1988 LP Golden Throats: The Great Celebrity Sing-Off, please enjoy the pneumatic Mae West and her avant-garde to the max version of "Twist and Shout."
As always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded to the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
I loved that! A more convincing punked-out/ecstatic/inspired performance than a lot of "name" female rock singers I could mention.
Best performance by a singer over 60?
glam rock
singers with husky raspy voices
No, no, and no.
But it's great, isnt it?
I LOVE the Golden Throats album.
... inappropriate cover songs?
Post-Beatles, buxom, blonde belters?
celebrities doing rock n roll cover songs
Heh heh....
I'll drop a hint or two after dinner...
But here's one -- it's the album itself, not the song.
Titles with ordinals!
[whispering:] Am I a weiner yet?
Album covers with really big breasts on the cover!!!
Hey I'm a guy!
PS: This song rocks better then the entire Eagles catalog> I'm serious. Really. Mostly. And I have don't steroids since I left Texas.
Albums with the singer's or group's name used as a pun or in the title of the album?
Best covers of songs previously recorded by the Beatles?
Uh, nooo.......
And my earlier might even have been a reasonable guess but for Simels' preemptive hint that i missed ... "it's the album not the song." Hmmm:
Albums you thought would suck but didn't?
Albums with a sense of humor?
Rock albums featuring a movie star or other non-musical celebrity on the cover?
"And my earlier might even have been a reasonable guess but for Simels' preemptive hint that i missed ... 'it's the album not the song.'"
Oooooh! [whispering:]Turns out I'm a wienie...
Err, ah...titles with precious metals in them?
Body part album titles.
Body part album titles....
Hm, that's an interesting idea.
BUT IT'S WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Critically lambasted works that found a niche?
(Heh. Word verification: "cousingu")
Okay....as I said, it's the album that's the clue, not the song.
A groundbreaking album.
What kind of effect might it have had on a listener?
Albums that made you wonder whether you were higher than you thought you were?
Curse you and your impossible riddles Simmels! Curse you!!!!!
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