Friday, May 18, 2012

Can Blue Men Sing the Whites?

Well, here's an interesting curiosity. From 1964, and an album recorded on-stage at The Cavern -- yes, THAT Cavern -- in Liverpool, please enjoy Godfather of the British Blues Scene Alexis Korner, doing business with Blues Incorporated, in a live version of the venerable "Kansas City."

To be honest, although I obviously know Korner by reputation, the only music of his I can actually remember listening to heretofore is an amusingly actor-ish cover of "Get Off of My Cloud" he did (with Keith Richards' assistance) in 1975.

As for this track? Not a bad little band, but in the case of this particular club and this particular song, I think The Beatles probably did it better.


buzzbabyjesus said...

It's better than I expected.

steve simels said...

It's actually quite nice in a jazzbo sort of way....

buzzbabyjesus said...

He was sincere.

TMink said...

And I like the gruffness in his voice. His deeper register gives it a nice resonance.


steve simels said...

The bass player is Danny Thompson, later of Pentangle.

buzzbabyjesus said...

Danny Thompson is the bomb.

buzzbabyjesus said...

I guess bomb is kind of like "the final word" or "ultimate" in this case. I could have called him a "monster", or if I was Miles Davis, "a motherfu*ker". All of which are meant to be compliments of the highest order. Anyway sorry about the confusion.

Billy B said...

Excellent. Those cats could play.

DB said...

Big fun, though the drummer ran out of ideas about 2 minutes in.