For the life of me, I can not fathom how those two kids -- who really are named Mona and Lisa (and live in freaking Liverpool,fer crissakes) aren't international stars who record for a major label and tour the US of A on a regular basis.
In any event, I will add that over the weekend I bit the bullet and ordered the double CD that song is from. Seemed like the least I could do.
And english is their second language!
Captain Al
Is Scouse their first?
I think they’re German.
They're originally from Austria.
Yes they've stolen my heart!
Captain Al
Albums are over, I'm afraid. The only international stars touring the USA regularly are either corporate droids or people who got famous under the old paradigm.
Well, there’s that.
It'd be nice, though, if one of those podcasts or late-night talk shows had them on.
Yes, but do they have original material?
Yes, they have original material. And they are from Austria.
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