Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Okay, It’s Not as Cool as the Jewish Space Lasers, But...

Found this by accident the other day, and I just couldn't resist sharing.

The definitive Red Sea Pedestrian version of "Old Man River."

Laugh, I thought I'd plotz.

But seriously, folks, come to think of it, there's a bunch of more recent songs I'd absolutely love to hear sung with a Jewish accent.

Starting with Train's "Hey Soul Sister."

I mean, c'mon -- the chorus alone would be the most awesome thing ever. I mean, it would give me such shpilkes.


Gummo said...

Fuckin' funny!

Add a Jewish accent and Ol Man River is just another litany of complaints!

paulinca said...

Love this. In shifting gears slightly, I've always wanted to hear Bruce's "Born to Run" sung by the late Phil Hartman imitating Frank Sinatra. I've always thought this would be hysterical.


Alzo said...

Chicago guy here. I can't help but trot out this paean to our famously Jewish suburb:

Anonymous said...

Poor Man's Jackie Mason

salhepatica said...

Phil Hartman didn't do "Born To Run" as Frank, but Joe Piscopo did, as part of a medley.