Monday, February 24, 2025

And Then He Met Lothar and the Hand People and They All Went Out for Drinks at Their Local Hooters!

From just now in 2025, please enjoy Stephen Hamm -- the charmingly yclept "Theremin Man" -- and what appears to be the entirety of his just released new album Live From Planet Earth.

Obviously, Hamm's brand of space rock/electronica/whatever the kids call it these days doesn't quite fit the mission statement of this here blog. But as attentive readers are aware I am a huge fan of people who play the theremin (hence the Lothar reference in the title above).

And in any case, in our current troubling times, anything that helps us all chill is alright with me.

BTW, Hamm himself is, as they say, an interesting couple of guys. From the official version:

Hamm’s career began in the 1980s as a pivotal member of the legendary Vancouver proto-grunge band Slow. Their 1985 album Against the Glass and its influential EP are credited with helping to ignite the grunge movement, with their raw, abrasive sound leaving a lasting mark on the Pacific Northwest music scene. Slow’s hit "Have Not Been the Same" became a MuchMusic staple, inspiring a generation of musicians, including Kurt Cobain and Sloan. In 2021, the documentary "Exposition Demolition" celebrated Slow’s impact on Canadian rock, cementing Hamm as a key figure in the evolution of grunge and alternative rock. Beyond Slow, Hamm’s career flourished in bands like Tankhog and Jungle, where he earned further recognition for his musical versatility. Tankhog’s 1991 tour with industrial music pioneers Skinny Puppy and Jungle’s European tour during the 1990s conflict in the Balkans are just a few examples of Hamm’s broad influence on the global music scene. As a member of Nardwuar the Human Serviette’s band, The Evaporators, Hamm helped create a chaotic and irreverent blend of garage rock and punk, continuing his commitment to pushing the envelope with unconventional, energetic performances.

Whew. 😎

Anyway, you can (and should) find out more about Theremin Man, and download more of his hand-rock(!) music (including 12 other albums), over at his Bandcamp page HERE.

You're welcome.


Alzo said...

Bad voice, poor lyrics, and yet... I dig it. He and his crew are committed to the way-out vibe. I can only hope for a Theremin version of Rory Gallagher's 'Hands Off.'

steve simels said...

I hear ya -- theoretically it's not my cup of tea at all, but I'm hooked by it anyway. 😎

steve simels said...

I had totally forgotten this fabulous documentary on the guy who invented the gizmo. Absolutely riveting.

Allan Rosenberg said...

I have a friend who owns a Theremin. It is a very difficult instrument to learn!

Captain Al

ChrisE said...

"A very difficult instrument to learn" - theremin lies the problem :-)

Stephen said...

Oooh good idea!

Stephen said...

I love all your comments and yes Theremin an Electronic Odyssey is a must see!