Okay, I know I'm old, but this is getting out of hand. Joey and DeeDee Ramone are dead, Joe Strummer is dead, (Shane McGowan still, as far as I know, improbably alive) and now this.
CBGB's, with its familiar white awning, holds a special place in the city's music history. It was here that the Ramones, the Talking Heads and Blondie created the punk scene for small crowds that paid a $1 cover charge.
"CBGB's allowed bands - original bands, no less - the freedom to go and play and do whatever they pleased,'' recalls Tommy Ramone. "It was a good fit.''
Rosenblatt [Muzzy Rosenblatt, director of the Bowert Residents' Committee] is aware of the club's legacy. He and his future wife shared their first kiss inside the club, although he's quick to add that nostalgia won't keep its doors open.
"I will not subsidize CBGB's at the expense of the homeless,'' Rosenblatt said. "I can't allow my own sentimentality to impede our ability to serve homeless people.''
Well, it seems like it might be possible to help homeless people and save CB's at the same time. Hell, I know nothing about this sort of thing, and a whole bunch of plans leapt into my head immediately. Plenty of CB's alumni are flush, and old punk fans have lots of scratch. This is not to mention the current punk revival--I'm sure Green Day could pony up a bit. Anyway, you can help here. {A word of warning from your helpful blogmistress: this is Hilly Kristal's version of how to help, and looks a lot like he wants people to just harass the Bowery Residents' Committee. That seems like a dumb idea to me, especially since, as Kristal notes, this is now in the hands of a judge. If you want to contact them, I recommend keeping it short and polite.}
Also, in the sidebar at the AOL article is a poll: "What do you think of punk rock: Turn it up! or Turn it off!" "Turn it up!" is winning, but not decisively. C'mon guys... we so rarely get to freep a poll here. Let's have some fun!

hmm .. turn it up is losing, so I voted twice. Used different browsers and later I'll vote from a different computer... it's the principle of the thing. We're talking the RAMONES here..
The CBs ownership is notoriously, uh, an asshole. It would be a shame to see it go, but the fault would be the ownership's, in great part.
Yeah.. you don't get that far into debt without really trying. Still, if an offer of help is on the table, you'd think he'd jump at it to keep the club open...
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