The bucolic splendor and truncated trees of Chez Thersites. I'm not NTodd or Eli, alas.

An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
Yay, snow! We've had 8", no, uh...4" (cut) fall since I got up at 6 this AM.
And don't dis yourself re: photography. I ain't no charley, and it's all about what YOU see.
I dunno. The composition of that photo is very, very pleasing.
Damn straight. The descending line of trees with the power lines in parallel, a couple little guys peeking out from behind mom, the curvy trunk on the right, then a gap that leads us to a white field...all unexpected and wonderful.
Aw, shucks. They're just our trees, all gnarled like that because they're a windbreak. That field leads onto a valley that goes on for a good several miles before you get to the next hill. Cold, but amazing, particularly in the summer, when we frequently grab a bottle of wine and just look out over the valley while it gets dark, and in the fall, when the foliage on the next hill is spread out like a blanket.
They're just our trees
Yeah, so? I spend a lot of time considering the mundane, what I take for granted, and trying to figure out ways to make it look interesting.
we frequently grab a bottle of wine and just look out over the valley while it gets dark, and in the fall, when the foliage on the next hill is spread out like a blanket.
Jeebus, do you realize just how cool that image is? So poetic, it hurts.
Jeebus, do you realize just how cool that image is? So poetic, it hurts.We usually go through about two boxes of zainfandel each while listening to Iron Maiden. Then we have screaming knife fights around the pile of old tires, the rusty old fridge with the door still on it, and the Camaro up on cinderbocks, until the cops come.
OMG, I'm in love with you two as a couple. More than any verbalized language can express (I'm sending you telepathetic, er...telepathic messages right now to overcome the limitations of language--are you getting them?).
So if you don't fucking show up on Saturday, even with your hacking, but suitably medicated, son S. in tow, I will curse you forever. FOREVER, do you hear?! You don't want that shit hanging over your ENTIRE FAMILY, do you?
I thought not. See ya Saturday.
It's not really Iron Maiden, you know. More like the Clash and Superchunk.
Thank Ba'al for that big empty field. We can totally blare it. The local cows don't seem to mind a bit.
Very true. You're much, much cuter.
Dig the photo, too.
If I ever came up to visit, would I be provided with my own knife, or would I be expected to bring my own?
Oops, that was kind of a grammatical disaster, wasn't it...
Eli, dude, you have GOT to stop smoking crack before you comment on blogs. Take that little bit of advice from someone who knows all too well...
We can totally blare it. The local cows don't seem to mind a bitIn fact, they seem to produce more milk when you guys play old Zep.
NTodd, NOW do you see what I was talking about with these two?
Dang, and I forgot I could delete posts in Blogger, too. But then everyone would be all suspicious about what I was covering up...
Mary, I like the photo. It's peaceful.
Oh--as a fan of the bodice-ripper, have you ever seen the reviews over at Mrs. Giggles? Man, she's tough!
Heh! My Aragorn picture worked!
NTodd, NOW do you see what I was talking about with these two?
It huuuuuurts!
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