Rosie's on her own two feet! (Well, she's doing better than our staggering prez!)

An idiosyncratic blog dedicated to the precursors, the practioners, and the descendants of power pop. All suggestions for postings and sidebar links welcome, contact any of us.
I think Thers Jr. is frantically attempting to warn her of Impending Ocelot Peril.
Thers II obviously just had a lot of chocolate ice cream.
Whoa, nelly! Cruisin' the furniture already! Fun times ::crash:: ::spill:: ::DON'T touch THAT:: ::WAAAH!::
There's a big walking girl!!!! Yay Rosie!!
And Yay T2 for being so alert and smiley!
Well, she's a big STANDING girl.. I'm just anticipating the walking part..
Rah, rah, Rosie!
Rosie looks ready to take on the world! [And what a tidy house that is! :)]
They are both just adorable! You go, girl Rosie!
"I've got legs!" [/Eddie Izzard]
Do they do junior-sized Segways? ;)
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