So apparently, we're playing another one of *these* games. Okay. I send mine to watertiger and Eli and V., just because I know watertiger's are fab, Eli needs to prove to us one more time that he has them at all, and I'm curious about V.'s exhausted inking eyes. Thers would just ignore it, anyway.
And in the interest of thematic relations: I present The Payola$:
Can I touch you to see if you're real?
Is it nothing this something I feel?
Can my heart take the strain?
Or will it break down again?
In your lips I sense a danger
You've got the eyes of a stranger
Have I been sleeping for all these years?
Is it magic that makes you appear?
When you walked in the room I felt my heart race
???? and I looked in your face
In your lips I sense a danger
You've got the eyes of a stranger
In your lips I see a danger
You've got the eyes of a stranger
In your lips I sense a danger
You've got the eyes of a stranger
In your lips I see a danger
You've got the eyes of a stranger...

When Irish hearts are happy,
All the world seems bright and gay.
And when Irish eyes are smiling,
Sure, they steal your heart away.
Peek-a-boo!! I see you!!
What EYES you have! All the better to SEE you with, my dear!!
Ok.. that's all I got...
But what I don't understand is why Thers is getting away with not being tagged for this... That is SO not fair and he needs the creative challenge anyway lest he grow complacent...
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