God, wasn't Tina Weymouth just the cutest thing in the world? Like Marianne Faithfull in a trash compactor.
True story: I went to some trendy SoHo loft party once that she attended; the Heads were just getting famous at the time, but she wasn't married to the drummer yet, and she was there unescorted, as they say.
The long and the short of it is that she just sat by herself, looking very lonely, in a big chair the whole night, and not a single one of the myriad hepster guys in attendance had the nerve to go up and talk to her.
Myself included, obviously.
In any case, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans the clip's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
Songs that are actually 2 songs put together?
And BTW, that's still one of my favorite TH songs.
Does it have something to do with the producer, who is the father or uncle of Jon Bon Jovi?
No and no.
Songs with one of the elements (wind, water being the others) in the title?
Songs claiming in the lyrics or title that something other than little birds go “tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet, like little birds”?
Songs featuring horns in the arrangement?
good lord. Marianne Faithfull in a trash compactor. I think I love you.
Well...your blog anyway....
Songs about buildings and food.
songs about feelings / emotions /lust
cool 3 piece bands
Noam's close.
That's as big of a hint as I'm gonna give.....
Okay, it's a SPECIFIC building.
Are you happy now?
Songs mentioning the Big House, or prison
The prison thing is great, and I'm going to steal it.
But no.......
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