A Fountains of Wayne parody that manages to replicate every trick in their book with eerie accuracy, is screamingly funny, and yet still works as a straight ahead powerpop number as good as anything FOW ever came up with. Seriously -- I'll bet Adam Schlesinger not only loves this, but wishes he'd written it.

Simply amazing.
[h/t M.Bowen]
Okay, this one is a certified work of genius.
Sons of Wilderness Road. Don't know how this will hold up to multiple listening but very clever.
As someone who isn't a huge FoW fan - I've enjoyed what I've heard, but not quite enough to really dig into the band - what I find so interesting about this is that they actually do have enough of an individual style that it can be parodied so well.
It's also interesting to see what Robbie Fulks can do besides his normal hard-country stuff.
oh. my. I think you made my day.
I've listened to this song about 150 times since it was released and Grant's responses still crack me up.
Sigh, "Oh, that Gerald."
HAHA! the phone call reminds me of this song (i found the video): Spookey Ruben 'Shauna'
Ken J said...
Sigh, "Oh, that Gerald."
That's my favorite part. Made me laugh out loud...
if "Scream" killed slasher movies, does this kill FOW?
Mr. Fulks' Yep Roc labelmates, the now-defunct Mayflies USA, made 3.5 albums of wonderful powerpop in their day.
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