Okay, not as good as "Dueling Brandos" from SNL, but still pretty damned hilarious.
In any case, as always, a coveted PowerPop No-Prize will be awarded the first reader who gleans it's relevance to the theme of tomorrow's Weekend Listomania.
[P.S.: Just checked, and Hawkes isn't on the album, although I know for a fact that he was in Mull's band at some point, because I saw them in a club. However, the great David Grisman IS, in fact, credited on the record with mandolin. You're welcome.]
Steve, you are right. I remember seeing (I believe) an HBO special back in the day and Hawkes was in the band. Perhaps only in the touring band?
Yes indeedy, saw Mull at the Troubador in '74, I think, & Greg was definitely in the band.
Slow around here tonight.
I'm not going to take it personally.
guys who used to kinda be funny but got really boring, smug and unfunny as they got older?
Rock comedy records that aren't Weird Al?
Unusual instrumentation in rock music?
Proof there was humor in the early 70s besides SNL and Woody Allen?
Songs with bad puns in the title?
Post-Beatles songs with gerunds in the title?
That's the ticket...
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