This was an indie single and (IMHO) a should-have-been seasonal novelty smash. I seem to recall that Dr. Demento has played it on occasion, but in any case it certainly deserves to be more widely known.
I should add that it was produced by my old chum Lars Hanson, who plays the fabulous Jeff-Beck-on-illegal-stimulants guitar stuff; my bandmate of several thousand years Glen "Bob" Allen can be heard pounding those pagan skins.
Can't wait for Guy Lombardo's "Auld Lang Syne"
Actually, the b-side of this -- a demented take on the 12 days of Xmas -- is even funnier. I think I'll post it next week....
Can't wait!! Be still, my heart....
You must not have got the memo-
No more Christmas music until November 2012.
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