Let's be honest -- there's no way Bernard "Pretty" Purdie played on this one.
[h/t ROTP(Plumber)]
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Damn, that is frickin' gorgeous!
Absolutely amazing without the vocals. I have lots of studio boots (who doesn't?), but they're mainly snippets and nothing like this complete track. From whence did it come? I wannit.
why cite the hack Crowe? He thinks Pearl Jam's a good band. Yeah, yeah he was a teenage music journo; whadda ya done for me lately?
Well, I thought his line about the White Album was spot on, regardless.
Nice! Beautiful!
On the "I Feel Fine", I'm pretty sure that Ringo could manage a basic bossa nova, as on that track. He did some pre- Beatles heavy gigging with Rory Storm & The Hurricanes, after all.
i agree with steve simels .
Anyone know what guitar Clapton's playing here? Les Paul? SG? 335? Firebird?
So was John playing keyboards? I never really heard that triplet (?) part on the side of the snare before.
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