Wednesday, December 11, 2024

All In the (Ridiculously Talented) Family

From 2008, please enjoy my old friend/former bandmate Ronnie D'Addario and his genius offspring Brian and Michael (AKA The Lemon Twigs) and the wonderful pop confection that is "Trophy Girl."

Okay, that just kills me on a number of levels.

For starters, it's a fabulously crafted pop song/record. Ronnie plays everything and wrote/produced it, and it's not an exaggeration to say it could have (should have) been a hit.

I mean, c'mon; just on the conceptual level, it's hilarious. Teenage boys singing about a trophy girl? Words fail me.

I should also add that I love the fact that the Twigs sang it before their voices had changed. And brilliantly, I might add.

Have I mentioned that it could/should have been a hit?

Oh well. In the meantime, you can order "Trophy Girl" and much much else, on Ronnie's delightful 3 CD box set retrospective Don't Wait For Yesterday 1986-2017 over HERE.

Get going to the link, and tell 'em PowerPop sent you!!! 😎


Allan Rosenberg said...

What a great track!!!

Captain Al

pete said...

quite horrifyingly catchy

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Those kids had it right from the beginning!

Jai Guru Dave